Food Communities
| Food Security
Organic Farming
| Pesticides
| Water
Aspartame sweetener
Food Control
| War on Food
Food Monopolies?
Future of Food
Food Communities
Incredible Edible Network
Our vision is to create kind,
confident and connected communities
through the power of food.
An immodest proposal for inner cities
now that a new President
is about to be sworn in
Jon Rappoport
Healing Detroit One Garden at a Time
Steep Your Soul
An unsafe neighborhood was transformed when a woman started a community garden. That garden inspired neighbors in her community to plant their own gardens. The community became a prettier, friendlier, and safer place… with greater food security.
From Blight to Opportunity
Detroit Woman Puts Kids to Work in
Community Garden
Encinitas Community Garden
hosting Farm-to-Table fundraiser dinner
“On a two-acre plot of land owned by the Encinitas Union School District, the Encinitas Community Garden offers 120 garden plots for residents to lease on a yearly basis ($90 per year for a smaller plot and $180 per year for a larger plot)…
Since gardeners are not allowed to use synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides, everything in the garden is completely organic and safe to eat straight from the ground, vine or bush. A composting program allows gardeners to recycle their organic waste and turn it into nutrient-rich compost.”
Kaila Mellos
The Coast News
The Green Wall
astonishing giant project
to reclaim the desert
and make new life
Jon Rappoport
Inside Africa’s Food Forest Mega-Project
How 8,000 Food Forests Grew Africa’s Great Green Wall
Food Security
Press Release
200 organisations urge donors to scrap AGRA
The future of African food systems must be in African hands.
Bill Gates and the
Uncertain Future of Food Security
The Cogent
Organic Farming
The Biggest Little Farm
This award-winning film is an epic odyssey to farm within a reawakening ecosystem. Breathtaking cinematography documents how an unhealthy environment is transformed into an organic ecosystem with thriving bees, birds, hummers, natural rodent and insect control, and land that captures water when it rains.
Video rental available at
Apricot Lane Farms
Apricot Lane Farms’ Journey
From Arid Wasteland
to Biodiverse Paradise
The Orphan
Regenerative Agriculture
The Corbett Report
Honey Bees – the rest of the story!
The Vista Press
2012 Video
Urban Agroecoloy
6,000 lbs of food on 1/10th acre
Urban Homestead – Urban Permaculture
“Over 6,000 pounds of food per year, on 1/10 acre located just 15 minutes from downtown Los Angeles. The Dervaes family grows over 400 species of plants, 4,300 pounds of vegetable food, 900 chicken and 1,000 duck eggs, 25 lbs of honey, plus seasonal fruits throughout the year.
From 1/10th of an acre, four people manage to get over 90% of their daily food and the family reports earnings of $20,000 per year (AFTER they eat from what is produced).
This is done without the use of the expensive & destructive synthetic chemicals associated with industrial mono-cropping, while simultaneously improving the fertility and overall condition of the land being used to grow this food on. Scaled up to an acre, that would equal $200,000 per year!
To follow the Dervaes and their Urban Homesteading activites, you can find them at”
Thriving Off Grid in the Desert without a Well
Freedom’s Phoenix via PARAGRAPHIC
concentrated animal feeding operations
The new ethics of eating
The animal-welfare movement gains momentum as consumers pressure farming interests to institute better treatment of chickens, pigs, and other food animals.
The Christian Science Monitor
Factory Farms Spew Manure Into U.S. Waterways
Why Doesn’t the EPA Stop Them?
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is supposed to protect important waterways from pollution, but manure from concentrated animal feeding operations, or CAFOs, continues to harm waterways — and only one-third of the largest facilities have a federal permit.
the Defender
Children’s Health Defense
News & Views
GMOs, “Biggest Fraud in the History of Science”
Mexico Resists U.S. GMOs, Fights for Food Sovereignty
The Conscious Resistance Network
Monsanto’s GMO Corn Linked To Organ Failure
Study Reveals
Canada Joins US Trade Complaint Against Mexico’s GMO Corn Ban
Bloomberg via Yahoo!Finance
Guest column
The Roundup reckoning
Farmworkers win key glyphosate decision
“On June 17, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals confirmed what we have long known – that the EPA’s safety findings are deeply flawed. The court’s decision in Rural Coalition, et al. v. U.S. EPA overturned the agency’s determination that glyphosate is not likely to cause cancer. It also held that the EPA failed to protect species listed under the Endangered Species Act before approving glyphosate.”
Amy van Saun and Bill Frees
Center for Food Safety
Related from THE NEW LEDE
“The 9th Circuit panel found that the EPA failed to follow established guidelines for determining cancer risk, ignored important studies, and discounted expert advice from a scientific advisory panel in officially declaring that the weed killer glyphosate was ‘not likely to be carcinogenic.'”
Carey Gillam
Appeals court overturns a Monsanto win
on Roundup cancer issue
11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
Whistleblowers Expose Corruption in EPA Chemical Safety Office
EPA managers removed information about the risks posed by dozens of chemicals, according to whistleblowers.
The Intercept_
Silent Spring
Book by Rachel Carson
Silent Spring began with a “fable for tomorrow” – a true story using a composite of examples drawn from many real communities where the use of DDT had caused damage to wildlife, birds, bees, agricultural animals, domestic pets, and even humans.
Utilizing her many sources in federal science and in private research, Carson spent over six years documenting her analysis that humans were misusing powerful, persistent, chemical pesticides before knowing the full extent of their potential harm to the whole biota.
She admonished her readers and audiences to ask “Who Speaks, And Why?” and therein to set the seeds of social revolution. She identified human hubris and financial self-interest as the crux of the problem and asked if we could master ourselves and our appetites to live as though we humans are an equal part of the earth’s systems and not the master of them.
Silent Spring inspired the modern environmental movement, which began in earnest a decade later. It is recognized as the environmental text that “changed the world.”
The Life and Legacy of
‘We Have Screwed Up the Balance of Nature’
Chemical Expert Tells RFK, Jr.
“Neonicotinoids are a class of pesticides… used to coat seeds or impregnate them. They get incorporated into the leaves of the plant and any insect that eats the leaves or the stems of the plant is killed as well… The neonicotinoids don’t kill the bees, but they screw up their life function to the point that they might as well kill them…
Our dependence on bees is extraordinary because they’re the pollinators. They’re the ones that pollinate the fruit trees, the apples and the oranges and the apricots and the pears. But they also pollinate a lot of garden vegetables, a lot of grain seeds. And if we don’t have the pollinators, what are we going to do?”
Dr. David Carpenter
Institute for Health and the Environment
State University of New York at Albany
the Defender
Related from the Defender:
EPA Ignores Own Science
Plans to Reapprove Deadly Neonicotinoid Pesticides
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency plans to extend the registration of several neonicotinoid insecticides, despite the agency’s own findings of evidence of serious threats to pollinators, aquatic invertebrates and other wildlife.
Have 80% of winged insects disappeared over the past decade? Are most songbirds insect eaters? So, that explains why birds are disappearing?
Yet Another Study Links Lower Sperm Count with Pesticides
The Last American Vagabond
Sperm counts worldwide have plunged 62%
in under 50 years, Israeli-led study finds
Birth rates drop in California, San Diego
over the last decade
Demographic WINTER
Pesticide Freedom with Native Plants
San Diego County Beaches Remain Under Water Warnings Due to High Bacteria Levels
Is this due to sewage from Tijuana? So, this warning is just for beaches down closer to the border?
Which San Diego County Beaches Have Dangerous Bacteria Levels?
San Diego Reader
Our Border Sewage Crisis Has a Solution. SANDAG Holds it.
U.S. Surgeon General Quietly Backpedaled on Water Fluoridation
5 Years Ago, Emails Reveal
“In an email labeled, ‘Not for dissemination; keep confidential,’ Ricks shared a ‘bombshell’ with former chief dental officers.
He told them the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), the NTP and the NIDCR had informed the Office of the Surgeon General that the NIEHS/NTP report would
neurotoxic to children’
and the surgeon general would be withdrawing the letter that Ricks had prepared.”
Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.
Children’s Health Defense
the Defender
Were these emails obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request related to a lawsuit? This report includes many source links, including links to FOIA documents.
Is the American Dental Association still endorsing flouride? If yes… what does that say about the ADA?
Internal CDC Emails Claim
Assistant Secretary For Health
Blocked Release Of Fluoride Review
“Newly released emails reveal that leadership within the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institute of Health acted to prevent the release of long-delayed review of fluoride’s toxicity by the National Toxicology Program. The emails specifically claim that Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine intervened to stop the release of the NTP review…”
Derrick Broze
The Last American Vagabond
And we’re supposed to “Trust the Science“?
“The Court finds that fluoridation of water
at 0.7 milligrams per liter (“mg/L”) –
the level presently considered “optimal”
in the United States –
poses an unreasonable risk
of reduced IQ in children.”
Judge Edward Chen
The Last American Vagabond
Signing Off from San Francisco #FluorideLawsuit
Did alternative news supply the only reporter attending the entire trial? Did
Derrick Broze of The Last American Vagabond do what mainstream news reporters failed to do?
Was Judge Chen’s ruling even discussed in mainstream media reporting? Did mainstream news lie by omission? So, whose interests are lamestream news outlets actually serving?
My Money Is Currently Being Held Hostage By Wise
Derrick Broze
Is an attempt being made to censor Derrick via his finances?
This reminds me of the Canadian Freedom Truckers who protested against mandated injections. Their bank accounts got shut down.
Is that also what the Digital ID plan is about? Free speech can be easily censored via our online finances via Digital ID.
Are they trying to confuse renewal of our driver’s license with
Digital ID? Will Digital ID be required starting in May 2025 for air travel in the USA? Who approved THAT? But, this date keeps getting delayed? Is that because citizens are getting wise to the Digital ID plan of censorship and total control over us?
The Hard to Swallow Truth
“Fluoridation is the greatest case
of scientific fraud of this century
if not, of all time.”
Dr. Robert Carton, Ph.D
former US EPA scientist
Collective Evolution
In Association with Beam Beam Pictures
Related at…
Jon Rappoport’s Blog
The EPA’s Role in the Pollution Story Behind Fluoridation
Audio interview with former EPA scientist
Full Transcript of interview
Daily Health Post
Is fluoride a toxic waste substance added to our drinking water? Is it intended to dumb us down and make us docile and easily controlled?
“Fluoride Science is Corporate Science.
Fluoride Science is DDT Science.
It’s asbestos science, it’s tobacco science.
It’s a racket.”
Christopher Bryson
Author of The Fluoride Deception
Fluoride Free NZ
Could the world go PFAS-free?
Proposal to ban ‘forever chemicals’ fuels debate
Aspartame sweetener
New World Next Week
The Corbett Report
Food Control
NEW Controlled Food System
Is Now In Place And
They Will Stop At Nothing
To Accelerate Their Control
“Whereas vertical farming is brilliant in many ways, and could be beneficial on a smaller scale in communities, the fact that this is the global agenda to remove farms and control all produce by the globalists themselves, makes it incredibly concerning…
FarmMatch connects people with local farmers, and
Seeds for Generations
offers great heirloom seeds as well as free webinars and resources for building and growing your own food.
The Solari Food Series
and Food Risk Tracker
also provide a wealth of helpful information, and Pete Kennedy’s article on
Finding Sources of Fresh Food
has great resources.”
Corey Lynn
Corey’s Digs
“Who controls the food supply controls the people;
who controls the energy can control whole continents;
who controls money can control the world.”
Henry Kissinger
Corey’s Digs
War on Food
Mass CATTLE deaths
send shockwaves through food supply as speculation rises
Are they being poisoned on purpose?
Truth11 via Health Ranger Report
If it was a mass climate event… it should have gotten all the animals in the area… not just the cows. Some are wondering if it might actually have been DEW – Directed Energy Weapons.
Food Supply Shutdown
Deer, fish, pigs euthanized; crops not planted
Ice Age Farmer
Is this warfare on our food supply? A planned demolition? Ice Age Farmer says there’s no time to waste getting off of their control grid of food, energy, and money.
April 2023
The Dutch people are rising up
to protest destructive WEF climate law.
Dutch farmers inspired by Canadian freedom protests
Dutch police viciously beat unarmed protesters
Video has emerged of Dutch police viciously beating a group of protesters defending a farmer mural in Almelo.
The global OWNERS want to keep us focused on their narratives and distracted from their fascism. Are we going to fall for their narrative manipulations? Are we going to follow their shiny bouncing ball?
The Ukraine/Russia conflict ramped up right after the vicious Canadian government response to peaceful trucker protests… and the freezing of protester funds by banks in Canada. The narrative shift happened just as trucker protests in USA and Russia were ramping up.
At the same time, COVID CON mostly disappeared because political advisors advised it be ramped down and forgotten by November USA elections. Meanwile, infrastructure for digital ID mass enslavement is quietly being implemented in many states in the USA. China already has social credit scores & digital ID via smart phones. This allows the government to keep their subjects completely controlled.
Farmers Struggle due to “Progress”
Amazing Polly St George
Farmers are no longer able to do their own repairs on their tractors and equipment?
Reader comments include helpful suggestions.
Farmers face steep crop losses in US Northeast
amid summer storms
Is there any relationship between the war on food and
weather warfare?
How a lethal Ukrainian sea drone
is protecting the global food supply
“When you remember that half of the World Food Program’s food supplies come from Ukrainian grains, you understand the importance of this trade corridor to people in many parts of the world.”
Dmytro Barinov
Deputy CEO
Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority in Odesa
The Christian Science Monitor
Food Monopolies?
A Kroger-Albertsons Merger Would Be Bad for Almost Everyone
Why a coalition called Stop the Merger plans to “fight like hell” to prevent it
“As big companies keep getting bigger, their competitors disappear and prices keep going up. In fact, Food & Water Watch research found that in 2019, just four companies took in nearly 70 percent of all grocery sales in the country.”
Rebecca Wolf, Food Policy Analyst
Food & Water Watch
Do farmers and farm workers pay the price when doing business with a monopoly grocery store? If consumers instead take their business to
farmers markets
or road stands, this monopoly power is avoided.
Sometimes the general public needs protection from what big business does. A perfect example is Kroger trying to buy Vons/Albertsons.
Kroger pushed the COVID jabs. Now, Kroger wants to grab up their grocery store competitors that didn’t push the vaxxes? One of Kroger’s stores, Food4Less, was even posting a guard at the front of one of their nearby stores – presumably to make sure customers were wearing a mask?
As a customer, I was able to cut up my Kroger’s card and shop at other local grocery stores.
Kroger dangles incentives for consumers to get COVID-19 shots
Kroger to Charge COVID Vaccine Resistant Employees $50/Month; Cut Paid COVID-19 Sick Leave
Kroger, Albertsons Grocery Merger
Again Highlights How
The U.S. Business Press Is
A Bunch Of Mindless Parrots
When It Comes To Consolidation
“Big companies promoting terrible mergers that cause untold layoffs and consumer and market harms — while promising none of that will actually happen — is a proud, fifty-plus year American tradition. And it requires a symbiosis with lazy, (not-coincidentally also highly consolidated) major media empires.”
Karl Bode
Kroger-Albertsons merger
won’t repeat Haggen disaster
exec testifies
Are merger promises usually worthless? Did Bloomberg, Reuters, and CNBC all mindlessly parrot merger promises? However, abc7 gets bonus points for this next story.
LA councilmembers introduce formal opposition
of proposed Albertsons-Kroger merger
“We’re going to oppose this merger because it’s bad for our consumers. It’s bad for our constituents. It’s bad for our families. It is certainly bad for our workers today and for the workers tomorrow.”
Councilmember Tim McOsker
abc 7
November 2021
The Economic Cost of Food Monopolies
The Grocery Cartels
“Simply put, market power
enables intermediaries like retailers and processors to
capture an ever-growing share of food dollars, at the
expense of farmers, food chain workers and eaters…
The U.S. DOJ and the FTC are supposed to
consider the impacts on market consolidation of
proposed mergers. Using these agencies’ very own
measurement, over a third of grocery categories we
surveyed exceed their ‘highly concentrated’ market
threshold. Regardless, the agencies continue to
greenlight mergers and acquisitions within these
market categories.”
Food & Water Watch
This report recommends Grocery Cooperatives, Food Hubs, local food processors, decentralized/diversified food systems, and that consolidation be stopped.
Future of Food
The Future of Food
The Corbett Report