Vista Magazine
Winter 2023-2024
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Vista Chamber of Commerce
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Fallbrook & Bonsall
Village News
What is Substack And How Does It Work?
North County Pipeline
Award-winning journalist Steve Puterski
covers North County San Diego.
Event submissions wanted for
The Grapevine.
Thomas Buckley
former mayor of Lake Elsinore
Julie Chang
San Diego Real Estate
Navarrette Nation
SD North County Mexican-American
syndicated writer, Ruben Navarrette
Beyond the Booth
San Diego Padres broadcaster
Jesse Agler
Jon Rappoport
free-lance investigative reporter
30 years, lives in San Diego
International Substacks
Independent News
Friends of Vista
#Downtown Vista
Main Street News
Random happenings
around Downtown Vista’s Main Street
& Historic Route 395
Wake Up Oceanside
The Vista Press Online
City of Vista
The Osider
Hiring North County
Times of San Diego Named Best News Site
During Press Club’s 50th Annual Awards
The news organizations listed above on this page are all apparently independent media… not owned by hedge funds, media-opolies, or media groups.
CNN Admits
‘Disturbing’ Israel-Palestine Coverage Policy
‘Has Been in Place for Years’
“It’s Israel’s way of intimidating and controlling news,”
said one critic.
Common Dreams
Israel to Face Trial for Genocide?
#NewWorldNextWeek @7:59
Were Hamas headquarters located under a hospital in Gaza?
Was a lie used to justify Israel’s
bombing of hospitals in Gaza?
The 7th Annual Fake News Awards
The Corbett Report
Jim Steele on
How Bad Global Warming Science
Hurts the Environmental Movement
The Media Is Melting Down, and
Neither Billionaires Nor Journalists Can Seem to Stop It
The Hollywood Reporter
Related at New World Next Week
Did the
LA Times
just axe a lot of reporters?
Meanwhile, is
independent news
thriving as readers flee mainstream outlets in droves?
Is the owner of the LA Times a
biotech entrepreneur who was involved with the development of a a second-generation
vaccine for Covid-19?
Did mainstream news media mainly carry the government’s message of
forced injections,
masking, and
fear? Was there
scientific censorship by mainstream media?
WSJ Editor-in-Chief Admits To Davos Elites
‘We No Longer Own The News’
A Bill to Prop Up Legacy Media in California Is
Bad News for Journalism
Billionaire L.A. Times Owner Sits On $10 Billion Nightmare Stock
The federal government paid hundreds of media companies
to advertise the COVID-19 vaccines
while those same outlets
provided positive coverage of the vaccines
Blaze media
Related discussion at
The Right Way
“What did Chris Pandolfo find?
He discovered that nearly the entire corporate media took money from the Biden Administration to push the vaccines to their audiences without disclosing it.”
Emerald Robinson
Sports Illustrated Published Articles
By Fake AI-Generated Writers
Sports Illustrated’s Publisher Guts Staff.
Future Unclear
Front Office Sports
The New York Times Brings Receipts in
Lawsuit Against OpenAI
The Hollywood Reporter
“There are writers that are leaving
these types of floundering entities
and going and starting their own substack
and suddenly making more money
than they ever did as a freelance writer
for this beast system.”
James Corbett
New World Next Week
James Evan Pilato quit his job as a radio DJ just before the station went bankrupt. Everyone thought Pilato was crazy to quit. Now, that station has an AI DJ. Pilato was so glad he had already quit and started up his own online
Media Monarchy radio station.
See James Corbett’s Censored TedX Talk! (2014)
“By 1983, just 50 companies controlled 90% of the media that American’s read, saw, or heard on a daily basis. By 2014, that number has shrunk to just 5 corporations…
So, there I was in rural Japan looking at what I could read in the newspaper and what I could find online. And, I was outraged. Chances are, you’re outraged too. Poll after poll in recent years have shown trust in television and newspaper dropping as internet usage increases. People are discovering what they don’t know…
What do we do about this?
We use the internet to supplant the media…
The internet is the most revolutionary technology since the Gutenberg printing press. Just as Gutenberg made it possible for millions of people to receive a message, now the internet is making it possible for everyone to send their messages…
This means that for the first time in human history, the average person has just as much of a voice as the wealthiest members of our society…
There’s no corporate suit in an office somewhere that’s going to tell us anymore what we do or don’t need to know.”
James Corbett
The Corbett Report
Are 6 media companies running hundreds and hundreds of subsidiaries? Is this part of the
monopolization of everything? (media chart @11:50)
The Newspaper Revolution
The BBC Exposed (2013)
Washington Post to cut 240 positions
as Americans turn away from corporate media
The Beeb
Inside the UK’s coincidence theory broadcaster
that shares violence and hate
Interviewing Mr Zelensky
How Reuters Protects Him
PRESS Act Passes House
Federal Reporter Shield Law Probable
The Point
Biden’s DOJ Vows to Stop Spying on Journalists
Months After Placing Gag Order on New York Times
Sources may need the protection of anonymity or else risk their own safety or loss of employment. Freedom of the Press is a
First Amendment right in the Constitution.
“Don’t Go Down The Rabbit Hole!”
NY Times Decries Critical Thinking
Tells Us to Trust Google Instead
Critical thought is not helping to battle disinformation
according to the NY Times,
we should blindly trust Google instead.
“In short, the New York Times and their ‘expert’ are telling us that instead of investigating the claims of someone that challenges the status quo and our understanding and perception of reality, we should instead avoid them and go directly to the authorities to tell us what to think…
History is overwhelmed by examples that prove this method to be deeply flawed. Galileo Galilei, Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, and countless others were attacked by the authorities for challenging the status quo.
In fact, I would argue that this has been a consistent theme throughout history and clearly represents that what the New York Times are encouraging us to do, is the exact opposite of establishing the Truth. No, it’s not a 15 second process,
and no, you don’t mindlessly rely on the authorities to give you the Truth…
Unsurprisingly, the New York Times has a well documented history of spreading dangerous propaganda and working with the authorities to uphold the status quo.
The CIA’s infamous
Operation Mockingbird, which reportedly began in the late 40’s and continued into the 70’s,
included the New York Times.
During the 1990’s, after journalist Gary Webb
exposed how the CIA were working with drug traffickers, the New York Times and other establishment media outlets
embarked on a campaign of character assassination claiming Webb was lying, when he was actually
telling the Truth.
Correspondingly, in 2012
Glen Greenwald wrote
an article on the ‘correspondence and collusion’ between the CIA and the New York Times. In 2015, Professor
Noam Chomsky wrote of how the news giant helped cover up war crimes for the U.S. government.
Frustrated Establishment Media No Longer Has a Monopoly on Information”
Gavin Nascimento
Related video
Find Gavin on;
Truth At Last
The Assassination of Martin Luther King
The Corbett Report
Did establishment “news” cover up involvement by the FBI, the mob, the military, the police, the hospital? Were there CIA agents working for The New York Times and helping to cover up what really happened? Was MLK speaking out against the Vietnam war? Did John Lennon also
get taken out because of his
anti-war activism?
The Plot to Kill King
The Truth Behind the Assassination
of Martin Luther King Jr.
by William F. Pepper Esq., 2016
And They Wonder Why…
…No One Trusts the Media Anymore
by Thomas Buckley, former mayor of Lake Elsinore
“The Point” Substack
Why Don’t They Believe Us?
Tablet NEWS
Counterinsurgency, PSYOPS and the Military Origins of the Internet
“Founded on the principles of freedom of expression and heralded as a liberating new frontier for humanity, the internet has criminalised free speech, divorced us from our nature and ensnared us under a dragnet of surveillance.”
Dustin Broadbery
Did the CIA, NSA, NASA, and DARPA help fund the creation of Google? Was the creation of Facebook a military program? Did Facebook management include intelligence employees right from the start? Did all of that start as a way to deal with anti-war and civil rights movements?
Did the repeal of the Smith-Mundt Act in 2013 make it legal for the government to conduct PSYOPS against US citizens? Have government PR operations against citizens cost taxpayers billions? Are we being manipulated by the powerful?
Are the terms ‘conspiracy theorists,’ ‘anti-vaxxer’ and ‘right-wing extremist’ part of a psychological war? Did past CIA PSYOPS include COINTELPRO with blackmail, murder, wiretapping, infiltration, and media manipulation?
Has government been waging PSYOPS on those who oppose lockdowns and vaccine mandates? Were BLM riots a way to redirect public outrage against lockdowns?
Why did China become a global leader in tyranny to be emulated with lockdowns around the world? Is the China social credit system being implemented worldwide on the back of the Green Pass… or via CBDC digital currency and ID?
Lifting of US Propaganda Ban
Gives New Meaning to Old Song
In the age of legal, weaponized propaganda
directed against the American people,
false narratives have become so commonplace
in the mainstream media that
they have essentially become normalized,
leading to the era of “fake news” and “alternative facts.”
Whitney Webb, MPN News
Did Canadian mainstream newspapers publish
fake news
about the Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy?
Many protesters had their
bank accounts frozen or were
and locked up because they protested for Medical Freedom?
Trudeau’s Orwellian Attack on Canadian Truckers
Canadian MP CENSORED for Exposing
WEF’s Influence over Justin Trudeau’s Government
The Truckers, GoFundMe, and the CIA
connecting dots
In court filing
Facebook admits ‘fact checks’ are nothing more than opinion
Watts Up With That?
Is Facebook fact checker actually attempting to block the truth? Are Facebook, Google, and YouTube censoring honest scientists, doctors, and experts? Is the media a mind-control machine?
These topics and more are considered in this 2020 discussion of…
How Big Pharma and the Mainstream Media
Manipulate Politics and Distort Facts
by James Herer at eClassifie
Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers?
News networks use retired military brass as war analysts
without disclosing their defense-industry ties
The Washington Post
video by Russell Brand
PsyWar documentary by Metanoia Films
US regime change policies in Latin America and the mainstream media’s fawning coverage of the US national security state.
‘US Media in Crisis’
Rick Sanchez
Ron Paul Liberty Report
Context Is Everything
The Corbett Report
Is it possible for a news story to be a half truth or even a complete lie when the story is framed in a misleading way? Can a newspaper be lying by omission when a story leaves out key information… even though the story does contain many true facts?
How the Pentagon Leaned on Hollywood to Sell the War in Afghanistan
“It is high time that Americans realized that, when watching movies and TV shows about war, all too often they are not seeing neutral works of art, but carefully constructed pieces of national security propaganda.”
Alan Macleod, MPN News
What Was the Jessica Lynch Story?
So You Think Military Intervention is a Good Idea?
Well, if you really feel that strongly about it…
“History shows that the US Government lies all the time to trick Americans into wars. The claim that Iraq had nuclear weapons was not an isolated case, but business as usual.
The US government lies about everything, and uses every trick they can (including obedient presstitutes and whorespondants in the corporate media to prop up failed lies and ridicule those who think for themselves) to trick the nation into war after war after war.”
Michael Rivero
Mind Control
Montreality @ Facebook
Conspiracy Theory Rock
A Banned Segment from Saturday Night Live
Owned by Texas Media Group Nexstar
Nexstar Now Controls San Diego’s KUSI
News Director Steve Cohen Is Out
Texas Media Group Nexstar Adds KUSI to San Diego Holdings for $35 Million
“The transaction, which is subject to regulatory and other approvals, is expected to close later this year. Nexstar is America’s largest local broadcasting group with 200 owned or partner stations in 116 markets reaching 212 million people.”
Chris Jennewein
Will that be the end of the independent broadcasting voice of KUSI? Will they be absorbed into the mass echo system of group think?
Owned by hedge fund
Alden Global Capital?
Del Mar Times
Solana Beach Sun
La Jolla Light
Carmel Valley News
Encinitas Advocate
Rancho Santa Fe REVIEW
The San Diego Union-Tribune
Editor, publisher Jeff Light, others
leave San Diego Union-Tribune
The Coast News
So… MediaNews Group is part of Alden Global Capital?
This Is the Beginning of the End for the Union-Tribune
Under Alden, there’s no plan for the future. There’s just revenue extraction for as long as a generation of older newspaper subscribers live to keep paying their bills.
The Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect
or, Why idiots continue to trust the media when they are demonstrably wrong about everything
The Corbett Report
Biden’s DOJ Vows to Stop Spying on Journalists
Months After Placing Gag Order on New York Times
The above video report discusses attempts by the executive branch to force the disclosure of news sources. Sources may need the protection of anonymity or else risk their own safety or loss of employment.
Crashes of Convenience
Michael Hastings
“Michael Hastings was that rarest of breeds: a mainstream reporter who wasn’t afraid to rail against the system, kick back against the establishment, and bite the hand that feeds him. On the morning of June 18, 2013, he died in a fiery car crash.
But now details are emerging that he was on the verge of breaking an important new story about the CIA, and believed he was being investigated by the FBI. Now even a former counter-terrorism czar is admitting Hastings’ car may have been cyber-hijacked.”
James Corbett
The Corbett Report
Tech companies
(incl.Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Discord, Wikipedia, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Verizon)
met monthly with FBI, DHS, and other govt agencies
to coordinate censorship operations
during 2020 election
“THIS is huge. It is a massive violation of our first amendment rights. Every one involved should be brought up on treasonous charges. You don’t get to blow up the Constitution and win.”
Pamela Geller
Related at Natural News
The Intercept_
Judge Dismisses Biden Admin’s Motion
to Dismiss Big Tech Collusion Case
“The Court finds that the Complaint alleges significant encouragement and coercion that converts the otherwise private conduct of censorship on social media platforms into state action, and is unpersuaded by Defendants’ arguments to the contrary.”
Judge Terry Doughty
U.S. District Court
Western District of Louisiana
The Epoch Times
Courage and integrity in the justice system. This is what defending liberty truly looks like.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press;
or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
The Consortium Imposing
the Growing Censorship Regime
and Our New Live, Prime-Time Rumble Program
“This regime of censorship is anything but arbitrary. Its core function is to shield propaganda that emanates from ruling class centers of power from critique, challenge and opposition.
It is designed to ensure that Western populations hear only the assertions and proclamations of state and corporate elites, while their adversaries and critics are at best marginalized (with warnings labels and other indicia of discredit) or banned outright.”
Glenn Greenwald
Dominion v. Fox
Could case be weaponized against freedom of press?
“Times v. Sullivan does set a high bar.
When I talk to my students about it,
I always give them the famous quote
from Justice [William] Brennan’s majority decision,
about the First Amendment being
‘a profound national commitment’
to a principle of free speech.
Debate on public issues should be
uninhibited, robust, and wide-open.’”
Genelle Belmas
Professor of journalism
University of Kansas
“There’s a line in Sullivan
that I really love that basically says,
quoting from another case,
‘Whatever is added to the field of libel
is taken from the field of free debate.
I don’t think you could find anybody that would disagree that,
if we’re using electronic voting systems
and they’re compromised,
we should be able to talk about that.
We should be able to raise concerns
about foreign interference in our elections,
whether or not these machines are capable
of doing what they say they’re doing,
whether or not they’re being tampered with.”
Andrew Geronimo, Director
First Amendment Clinic in Cleveland
Case Western Reserve University School of Law
The Christian Science Monitor